Sonia Noel hosts talking style

Sonia Noel with ‘Mommy Millionaire’ Kim Lavine

In an effort to encourage persons to interact more at fashion events and to provoke dialogue about life experiences in a relaxed atmosphere Sonia Noel Designs is hosting a four-day event titled ‘Conversa-tions & Clothing’.

Sonia Noel with ‘Mommy Millionaire’ Kim Lavine
Sonia Noel with ‘Mommy Millionaire’ Kim Lavine

The event began yesterday and will run until Monday from at 178 Crown Street, Queens-town, between Peter Rose and Irving streets. There is no admission cost and the event runs from 3 pm to 7 pm.

Patrons of the event will benefit from wardrobe tips and image management insights. In addition, Meleesa Payne will be providing skin care and makeup tips and there will be mini fashion shows. Discounts will be on offer.

Sonia plans to host similar events in Atlanta, New Jersey, New York and Texas in the US where she has been networking earlier this year.

According a press release, Sonia recently attended a conference in the US for women entrepreneurs and inventors and was a special guest of the Network Journal’s ‘40 Under 40’ Awards in Manhattan.