Why some women stay? For love, says Wintress White

Wintress White

For years, Wintress White was a victim of domestic violence. But even though her husband beat her at his every whim and fancy and she would leave him on her own or when he chased her she kept returning as she puts it “for love.”

As if the beatings were not enough, her husband also verbally and emotionally abused her and was unfaithful. They had no children together, but White’s husband’s infidelity resulted in children. However, even this did not deter her from attempting to make the union work. As a matter of fact, she even looked after one of the children as if it was her own.

But one day, years later and after her relationship with her biological son was ruined because he did not grow up with her, White decided that enough was enough. She cannot put her finger on a specific reason that propelled her final decision but maybe for her, it was time.