Joel Simpson fights for end to marginalization of LGBT community

Joel Simpson

Human rights activism might be the more politically correct term to describe Joel Simpson’s fight against injustices across society and in his heart that is what he does, but to be called a gay rights activist helps him to shine a light on one of the most marginalized and at times even self-loathed group in our country.

Joel Simpson
Joel Simpson

There are groups for women, groups representing the rights of children, groups representing those who are infected with HIV and AIDS among others and they are all marginalised groups, who face violence, stigma and discrimination. But within those very groups are those who are a part of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community who are even more ostracized simply because of their sexuality.

They are even scorned and condemned by the one community whose principle is to love everyone regardless of who they are. Yes, the religious community, for the most part, is against persons whose sexuality does not conform to what society sees as ‘normal.’ And so, many of them fearful of dire repercussions—after all even the laws of the country do not protect them—punish themselves simply to keep surviving.