Norton calls drug bond controversy learning experience

As he prepares to seek re-election as Vice-Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton is asking members to see past his mistakes in addressing the controversial Sussex Street drug bond contract, while saying he acted on information given by his staff.

And while he admits that he “was being a little reckless, on my part, for not verifying in a more detailed form, the accuracy of information fed,” on the contract, resulting in him making misleading statements in the National Assembly, Norton stressed that he never received any kickbacks from the deal and he is not friends with the contractor, Larry Singh.

“As a minister I depend on my staff to give me certain information…the PNC persons would understand that while I might have provided incorrect information, it was information that was given to me,” Norton told Stabroek News.

“It hurt me, really hurt me to hear people say I must have received kickbacks and these sort of things because it is nothing of the sort. I never got any kickback…I am not friends with Larry Singh,” he stressed.