Ministry offers land, house to parents of boys killed in Drop-in Centre fire

After the fire at the Drop-in Centre claimed the lives of two young brothers, the Ministry of Social Protection has decided to offer their parents a plot of land and a fully furnished two-bedroom house.

According to a source at the Ministry, a meeting was convened yesterday between Sonia and Leon George, the parents of the two boys, Joshua, 6, and Antonio, 2, and senior minister Volda Lawrence and other ministry officials.

The source said Lawrence indicated that the offer is not compensation for the deaths of the two boys, since a measure cannot be put on the lives of the two children; rather, the ministry’s aim is to ensure that the family can resume a normal as possible life together.

To further assist the family, Lawrence also set out a long term plan to help improve the skills of the parents, reunite the three surviving children with the parents, help improve the economic standing of the family and to ensure that the children are properly integrated into their new schools.