Linden businesses to pay 25% of new Kara Kara tolls

The toll booth that will be rehabilitated before the end of the month.

The Linden Town Council has agreed to charge residents transporting goods 25% of the proposed Kara Kara bridge tolls, starting at the end of the month.

According to Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland, the Town Council is also currently exploring the options to not charge the Lindeners who are bringing in consumer goods.

However, he explained that persons are coming from other places around the country to compete with people in Linden, who are already paying their rates and taxes, which is unfair to them. He pointed out that while there is a base cost for persons out of Linden, persons who are registered for business in Linden will only have to pay a fraction of the base cost. “….Especially the loggers, they will have to pay 25% of whatever the toll is. So let’s say that it is $7,000 for a hauler then a Lindener will only have to pay 25% of that at the booth,” Holland explained.