Entrepreneurs making a difference


Managing Director, GeoTechVision

Chairperson Small Business Council

Entrepreneurs start businesses for a variety of different reasons including being their own boss, having a flexible work schedule, having control over the work they choose, making important decisions regarding their business, the earnings, the ability to design their lifestyle, and so on. These are all great reasons to get into business, but is it possible to also have a positive impact on the community in which you operate?

As an entrepreneur, are you trying to make a difference, every day? If you’ve been building a business for some time, you already know the importance of having your personal vision clearly defined as it keeps you focused and propels you forward when you meet the many potholes in your entrepreneurial journey.

While having a vision for yourself is great, have you ever thought of having one for the people you want to serve and other entrepreneurs with whom you interface? This could be game changing as your cause becomes less about your own goals as you concentrate on the difference you can make in the community in which you operate.