Slowly understanding their Indianness

 -‘It was always illegal’

Two small up-front points: I’m glad I actually purchased a Guyana Times this past Sunday (I’m not too much a regular); secondly, what follows is as much a testimony to my fascination with other people’s Indianness in Guyana, as it is a brief nano-summary of my continually-delayed enlightenment on the issue, the phenomenon, the complex matrix of (a) people’s origins, history, culture, religion, ethnicity and generational lifelong bond. Some bond of blood, tears, spirit and devotion.

So what is all the above about? Well it’s about a personal, life-long wonderment and curiosity. And the Sunday insight- while not complete epiphany- which Ryhaan Shah’s Poem, `I did not begin anew’ offered me on the first morning of this week. (I became an observer-fan of this writer/lady/ activist since when she and Ravi D were “opponents” of the Jagdeo methods.)