For Stabroek Bazaar vendors, what doesn’t kill sells

The Stabroek Bazaar

The dangers of eating expired food might be open to debate, but selling it isn’t.

In Guyana, it is illegal to sell products after their printed expiration dates, although on any given day the Stabroek Bazaar is teeming with both vendors and customers who turn blind eyes to the “Best Before…” dates.

Here, $100 can get you three tins of tomato paste expiring in September but no worries since the vendor will tell you that there is a “lil time left pon it, all you go to do is use it quick.”

As for that packet of Ramen Noodles or Cheetos which expired in May, your friendly local vendor will tell you she “don’t kay if it expire,” and that she is selling “three fuh $100; is not like it gon’ kill you; nuff thing does kill but dis never kill nobody. I got nuff regular customers who does buy this every week and dey ain’t dead yet.”