Fashion and colonization – bleaching and weaving

I recently came across a post on a blog called Churchroadman. It highlighted the unambiguity of businesses playing on the racial insecurities of people by contributing to the bleaching business. While the NHS lists bleaching as a 20141115the last wordcosmetic procedure like it does with breast enlargement, many including myself believe the former is act of hate for your race, which shouldn’t be practiced. Last week I wrote on Fashion and Colonization and how difficult it is and will be for the Caribbean community to establish itself as a fashion hub. This week I wanted to scope out  fashion and beauty business models and ideas, that have managed to come about as a result of our history, for example the bleaching. The question of ethics surrounding some of these businesses can be argued, but what must be recognized is the considerable amount of influence these establishments and movements have as a result of being nestled in an environment that supports mainly euro-centric beauty standards.