Gov’t passes bill for Hamilton Green pension


From April 1, 2017, former PNC Prime Minister Hamilton Green is expected to start receiving almost $1.5 million a month in pension payments and other benefits after the government used its parliamentary majority last evening to pass a controversial bill to confer him with the package.

While Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, who piloted the bill through the National Assembly, called for principle to be separated from personality, the opposition PPP/C vehemently attacked the move as an unnecessary and repugnant example of cronyism.

Once the Prime Minister Hamilton Green Pension Bill is enacted, Green will be granted a pension for his tenure as Prime Minister, between 1985 and 1992, based on the salary of a current Prime Minister as well as the full benefits of a former President, a position which he never held.

The present PM Moses Nagamootoo receives $20,580,000 annually. His monthly salary is more than $1.7M and Green will be paid 7/8 of that sum.