Rosignol man dies after Mahaicony crash

Terrence McDonald

A man died six hours after he lost control of the car he was driving and crashed into a truck yesterday at Mahaicony.

According to the Police, 41-year-old Terrence McDonald, of Bacchus Street, Rosignol, West Coast Berbice, was traveling west along the Dantzig Public Road, Mahaicony, in a car, HC 6644, along with four others.

Terrence McDonald

However, the road was wet and the man was allegedly speeding along a turn and subsequently lost control of the car and crashed into the front of an oncoming truck at around midday yesterday. McDonald, along with one of the passengers, who was identified as Saulita Malikish, along with the other two passengers were taken out of the wrecked vehicle by public-spirted citizens and rushed to the Mahaicony Hospital where they were treated and then transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.

McDonald and Malikish were both admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where he  succumbed around 6 pm. Malikish is currently still hospitalized while the other two passengers were treated and sent away by the Mahaicony Hospital.