Berbicians in big sugar protest

Protestors marching to the Canje Turn

Berbicians from all walks of life turned out in large numbers yesterday to stand in solidarity with sugar workers to protest the planned closure of the Rose Hall factory.

In addition to sugar workers, many vendors, hire car drivers, office clerks, students, housewives, business owners and even pensioners joined in the picketing exercise, organized by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), along the Canje main road to highlight the large numbers that would be affected by the closure.

For several weeks, hundreds of workers have been marching along the Canje Road to voice their objection to the decision, which is part of the government’s restruc- turing of the beleaguered sugar corporation.

As part of its plans to “scale down” GuySuCo to three estates with three factories that would produce sugar for domestic needs and foreign markets, government