First Arrivals: Getting to Guyana first

-Don’t speak ill of the dead? Why not?

Since last month I paid tribute to the Emancipation/African experience I’ll offer reflective comments on this month someone decided to deem Amerindian Heritage Month.

(I’ll leave teachers, leaders, activists, wiser minds to really explain to us all the lasting more profound legacy, this heritage that is “Amerindian.” For even that description “American-Indian” –Amerindian – is an original misnomer. Foisted upon us firstly by the “explorers.” However, Amerindian it is. Now just a few historical facts.)

Archaeology, anthropology and human geography have all been utilized to try to determine when specific humans first occupied specific places and spaces on this planet.

How they did that is also the subject of scientific speculation, but with the advent of cutting edge technologies tracing origins and earliest habitations are now narrowed down significantly. There were four theories relevant to the arrival of the first people to our parts when I was a student-teacher.