
Basdeo Persaud Cyrill

Adelphi is one of the more populated and diverse villages in the Canje area. Residents say the village has developed tremendously over the years, from a new scheme opening in the back, to new roads, proper drainage, lights and water, there isn’t much to complain about.

Shaheed Jahoor, 46, has resided in Adelphi for over ten years now. The father of nine, who hailed from Cumberland, East Canje Berbice, said he could not find a “house to live in Cumberland”, which then led him to Adelphi. He said he believes destiny played a part, adding that after he moved into the village he immediately became attached because he liked the atmosphere and residents instantly.

Jahoor, who is currently employed at the Rose Hall Estate is one of the workers who will be laid off come December 29. When World Beyond Georgetown visited the village, he was on his way out to “look another job”. He said that despite the circumstances he will continue to live in Adelphi.

The Adelphi Village Market is a