Proud stylist values role as confidant, urges respect for profession

“I am a hairdresser and I am proud of what I do. You have many hairdressers who are very intelligent, but they just love hairdressing. [Some people] have this thing about hairdressers being [promiscuous] but that is far from the truth.

“I want people to know that hairdressers are not just people who drop out of school and people who didn’t write CXC. It is a profession people choose… I love hairdressing I would not trade it for anything. But like everything else, it has its bad days and good days.”

She spoke quietly but passionately, many times pausing to choose her words. Now in her forties, hairdressing is all this woman has known and when I first approached her she was a bit hesitant, but later agreed once her name is not used.

Before I continue to chronicle