Gaskin shares jewellery knowledge with students

Business Minister Dominic Gaskin (left) observing a student crafting a jewellery piece (DPI photo)

Students involved in jewellery making at the Burrowes School of Arts were on Saturday advised by  Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin of opportunities in the industry, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

Addressing the jewellery arts students, the Minister said, “There are lots of opportunities in jewellery-making in Guyana…it’s a very viable career, you don’t learn overnight or would not get to your peak; but you started your course here, keep at it.”

After touring the classrooms and observing various pieces crafted by the students,  Gaskin said  that the correct handling and caring for equipment is vital in the jewellery industry.

DPI said that as the owner of Topaz Jewellery, the minister also noted the importance of technology which he believes adds quality and efficiency in the design process.

Additionally, Gaskin stressed that trust and good customer service are also important factors in the industry, “You have to maintain an honest relationship with customers…the trade works on trust.”

DPI said that Administrator for the Burrowes School of Art, Ivor Thom requested spots for selected students to carry out internships at the  Topaz Jewellery outlet, to which the Minister replied he would consider.