President of University of T&T on visit

Professor Al-Zubaidy (right) receiving a painting from the UG Vice Chancellor, Ivelaw Griffith.(DPI photo)

Visiting President of the University of Trinidad and Tobago, Professor Sarim Al-Zubaidy has told the University of Guyana’s 5th Conversation on Law and Society that investing oil revenues into education would help fuel economic growth.

Guyana must also follow guidance from oil-rich countries so as to avoid their mistakes, Al-Zubaidy told the audience on Thursday evening, according to DPI, while stressing that “education fuels economic growth…Build the local capacity and capability and ensure that you introduce your local structures into the final process so that you achieve the success of the successful countries.”

Professor Al-Zubaidy (right) receiving a painting from the UG Vice Chancellor, Ivelaw Griffith.(DPI photo)