Convicted cocaine traffickers get four years in jail, $6M fine

Mohamed Kadir and Mark Gomes

A four-year sentence was today handed down to Mark Gomes and Mohamed Kadir after Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan found them both guilty of trafficking over five pounds of cocaine.

Gomes, 33, of Campbellville, and Kadir, 37, of Goed Fortuin, were also fined $6 million at the conclusion of their trial on the charge that they trafficked 2.50 kilogrammes, equivalent to 5.5 pounds of cocaine, on March 29th, 2018, at Sheriff Street, Georgetown.

Based on an application by Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU) Prosecutor Konyo Sandiford, the magistrate also ordered that Gomes’ vehicle be forfeited to the state.