CAPE students honoured by climate change office

Aadilah Ali, Christine Archer, and Suphane Dash were celebrated by the Office of Climate Change for the outstanding achievement at this year’s Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). 

Three Climate Change Ambassadors, Aadilah Ali, Christine Archer, and Suphane Dash, who represented Guyana at the Youth Climate Change Conference last October were yesterday honoured by the Office of Climate Change (OCC) at the Ministry of the Presidency, for their outstanding achievements at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE).

 “I… have developed myself in public speaking. I [had] new experiences. Being here at the Office, I got this sense of leadership that I never thought I would have gotten,”  Ali, the top CAPE performer in the country, was quoted as saying in an OCC press release, while adding that her association with the OCC has helped build essential skills.

“It all comes together when [considering] the development of the country… Over 40 percent [of the population] is youth. So, if we are going to [carry out] the Green State Development Strategy, the youth should be involved,”  was the opinion of Dash, citing the influence of her affiliation with the OCC while  further stating that youths like herself should be targeted as Guyana pursues sustainability.