Education seen as key to sway filaria pill holdouts

The culex mosquito, which carries the microfilariae worms. (Image sourced from

With the second round of lymphatic filariasis Mass Drug Administration (MDA) campaign now underway, education remains key to getting patients to accept pills, says Dr Fabu Moses, the National Coordinator for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis campaign.

Emphasis was placed on education, Moses told Stabroek News in an interview, after they realised many persons were not familiar with the pros and cons of consuming the pills that were being distributed in the MDA.

“The changes that we have done for this year’s campaign is that we have really tried to meet our audience better, engage our people and educate them well in advance before the MDA, so they get to internalise the information and understand what the MDA is all about,” she related.