Trinidadian pregnant woman, husband shot dead

Danielle Year­wood and her hus­band Ri­car­do Daloo

(Trinidad Guardian) Fear among the law-abid­ing cit­i­zen­ry con­tin­ues to rise as crim­i­nals con­tin­ue to com­mit mur­ders with im­puni­ty on a dai­ly ba­sis in T&T.

In the past three days, there have been three dou­ble mur­ders.

The lat­est dou­ble mur­der took place at Waller­field in Ari­ma yes­ter­day, where 19-year-old preg­nant woman Danielle Year­wood and her hus­band Ri­car­do “Mamoo” Daloo were mur­dered.

The cou­ple was found ex­e­cut­ed in a car yes­ter­day evening. Both lived at Va­len­cia.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 4 pm a vil­lager at Brazil Road, Waller­field, Ari­ma, heard sev­er­al loud gun­shots fol­lowed by the sound of a ve­hi­cle speed­ing off. It is be­lieved that the ve­hi­cle head­ed in a souther­ly di­rec­tion on­to the Churchill-Roo­sevelt High­way.

Cpl Gor­don, along with a par­ty of of­fi­cers from the Cu­mu­to Po­lice Sta­tion, re­spond­ed to the scene and found a sil­ver Nis­san wag­on. In it, po­lice found Daloo and Year­wood both slumped in the front seats of the ve­hi­cle. Daloo was seat­ed in the dri­ver’s seat and Year­wood in the front pas­sen­ger seat. They both had gun­shot wounds to their heads and necks.

Up to last night, Homi­cide de­tec­tives were still at the crime scene and were yet to de­ter­mine a mo­tive for the killing.

The T&T Guardian un­der­stands that just in Sep­tem­ber the cou­ple had held a ba­by show­er par­ty for the soon-to-be-mum.

Yes­ter­day around noon, Year­wood had post­ed on her Face­book wall a pho­to about get­ting a match­ing tat­too with Daloo. She tagged a girl­friend of hers and asked: “What we get­ting sis.”

Daloo, ac­cord­ing to a friend, was proud and ex­cit­ed to be a dad­dy.

The mur­ders left close friends an­gry and deeply sad­dened over the in­ci­dent.

One friend ques­tioned: “What type of de­mon” would have com­mit­ted such a heinous crime? She was preg­nant dan…wah kin­da demons alyuh is bai…RIP Ma­mas.”

These lat­est killings have brought the mur­der toll to 452 for the year so far.

In two un­re­lat­ed mur­ders late last evening, De­von Ash was shot in the head and about the body by a lone gun­man who crept up on him as he was pur­chas­ing pies at the cor­ner of the East­ern Main and Mt Zion Road in Ari­ma around 7 pm.

Ash was rushed to the near­by Ari­ma Health Fa­cil­i­ty by po­lice who re­spond­ed to the shoot­ing but died while re­ceiv­ing treat­ment.

Po­lice were al­so called to Hamid Dri­ve, Phase Four, La Hor­quet­ta, an hour lat­er, where an­oth­er man was gunned down. How­ev­er, he re­mained uniden­ti­fied up to press time.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.