Girls orphanage was deliberately torched

The Shaheed Girls Orphanage, located at Oleander Gardens, East Coast Demerara, engulfed by flames in October.

An investigation into the recent fire at the Shaheed Girls Orphanage at Oleander Gardens, on the East Coast of Demerara, has determined that the building was deliberately set alight.

A source familiar with the findings of the Guyana Fire Service investigation told Stabroek News that the investigators were able to conclude that the fire was set on the bottom flat of the eastern side of the building. This report was handed over to the police and an investigation is underway.

At about 6 am on October 20th, the two-storey Lot 7-8 Oleander Gardens building, which housed 18 girls and their caretaker, was reduced to ashes as a result of a fire.