Trinidad: Man charged with kidnapping Penal family

Aaron Sooknanan and his wife, Paula.

(Trinidad Guardian) Six days af­ter a Pe­nal fam­i­ly of five were kid­napped from their home, one man has been charged.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice, Akim Kin­sale of Sun­rees Road, Pe­nal, was charged with six counts of kid­nap­ping for ran­som, six counts of de­mand­ing mon­ey by men­ace, rob­bery with vi­o­lence and two oth­er charges re­lat­ed to the in­ci­dent.

Kin­sale, 25, will ap­pear be­fore a Siparia Mag­is­trate today.

On De­cem­ber 1, neigh­bours and rel­a­tives of Aaron Sook­nanan, his Venezue­lan-born wife, Pao­la Sanchez-Sook­nanan and their chil­dren, Ri­car­do, five and Is­abel­la, three and their cousin Rox­an­na Gon­za­les, 37, dis­cov­ered that the fam­i­ly was miss­ing.

Po­lice lat­er learnt the fam­i­ly was at their Jhu­lai Trace, Pe­nal Rock Road, Pe­nal home on De­cem­ber 1 around 2 am when a group of men broke in and forced them in­to a ve­hi­cle.

A re­port was made to the Pe­nal Po­lice and up­on check­ing of­fi­cers found the house ran­sacked and the fam­i­ly’s ve­hi­cle miss­ing.

The fam­i­ly was res­cued by po­lice on De­cem­ber 2. The Sook­nanans trekked sev­er­al hun­dred me­tres through the for­est un­til they were found off Oropouche Road Trace, South Bar­rack­pore by of­fi­cers from the South West­ern Di­vi­sion Po­lice and Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team.