Trinidad: Man shot outside hostel

Kedar Ali-Mark

(Trinidad Guardian) A month af­ter the own­er of 4Play Sports Bar and Lounge was mur­dered, one of his em­ploy­ees was shot in the carpark of the hos­tel on Fri­day night.

Ke­tan Abra­ham, 20, of Bet­sy Street, La Ro­maine, was shot in his back while stand­ing in the carpark. Inves­ti­ga­tors said his con­di­tion re­mains sta­ble.

A pass­ing po­lice ve­hi­cle took Abra­ham to the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. The bul­let en­tered his back and ex­it­ed his side, nar­row­ly miss­ing his vi­tal or­gans.

Po­lice said it is un­cer­tain whether this shoot­ing is linked to the mur­der of Abra­ham’s for­mer boss, Kedar Ali-Mark who was shot dead on No­vem­ber 4, in the carpark of Anand’s Low Price Su­per­mar­ket, La Romaine.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve that Ali-Mark’s mur­der was an or­gan­ised hit stem­ming from an­oth­er mur­der. Ali-Mark had been charged in 2015 with hu­man traf­fick­ing by the Counter Traf­fick­ing Unit and had been out on bail.

His mur­der was the sec­ond to have oc­curred on the premis­es of Anand’s Low Price su­per­mar­ket.

On Oc­to­ber 30 se­cu­ri­ty of­fi­cer Ken­wyn Williams, 38, of Der­rick Road in Chase Vil­lage, was killed af­ter being shot mul­ti­ple times to his head by an un­known as­sailant dur­ing an ap­par­ent rob­bery at the Debe branch.

Su­per­mar­ket su­per­vi­sor Al­loy Ro­driguez was al­so shot.