Jagdeo urges gov’t MPs to vote their conscience on no-confidence motion

Bharrat Jagdeo

With Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo urging government MPs to vote their conscience, a parliamentary showdown on the PPP/C’s motion of no-confidence is set as scheduled for Friday as PM Moses Nagamootoo has rejected a suggestion that it be deferred to early next year.

 “There are many of them that express displeasure about the state of affairs within that camp and about the policies they are pursuing…[We hope]  that some of them will grow a conscience and translate what they say privately into a vote and we hope that that will happen because it wouldn’t mean an act of betrayal, it would be an act of patriotism,” Jagdeo said, noting that given its public statements, the coalition appears to be in a state of panic.

This is one of the issues Jagdeo spoke about during a press conference held at his Church Street office. He suggested that because the planned no-confidence motion fell during the Christmas period it could be deferred until early January. This was rebuffed last night by Nagamootoo who is also the Leader of Government Business in the House.