Sex Island used Trinidad as venue last year too, Organisers say fete on

A screen grab from the video being used to promote the Sex Island event which is allegedly carded to be held off T&T’s western peninsula this weekend.

(Trinidad Guardian) The or­gan­is­ers of Sex Is­land say this is not the first time they’ll be us­ing Trinidad and To­ba­go as the venue for their con­tro­ver­sial sex and drugs event. In fact, this will be the sec­ond time they will be us­ing this coun­try hav­ing host­ed the same event here just last year af­ter they were de­barred from do­ing so in Colom­bia.

The or­gan­is­ers al­so claim that they have been host­ing mi­ni sex-themed events every oth­er month in T&T due to the suc­cess of the big­ger event.

The rev­e­la­tion came yes­ter­day from the hosts even as Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young and Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith vowed to do every­thing in their pow­er to stop the event, not­ing that pros­ti­tu­tion and drug use, which will be the main at­trac­tions, are il­le­gal here.

The Sex Is­land or­gan­is­ers are promis­ing a four-day event (De­cem­ber 14-17) where clients will not on­ly en­joy un­lim­it­ed food, al­co­hol and drugs but will have their pick dai­ly of two sex work­ers for un­lim­it­ed sex­u­al in­ter­course.

So­cial me­dia went wild yes­ter­day with com­men­tary on the event. Some peo­ple said they be­lieved it was a hoax while oth­ers want­ed to know where the event was so they could get in on the ac­tion.

But the or­gan­is­ers yes­ter­day claimed they got per­mis­sion from lo­cal au­thor­i­ties for the event, al­though both the Min­istry of Tourism and Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty de­nied giv­ing any such per­mis­sion.

Yes­ter­day, Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed New York Post re­porter Michael Blaustein, who is in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the or­gan­is­ers and wrote the ini­tial sto­ry which was re­port­ed by Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day. Blaustein sent them our ques­tions, es­pe­cial­ly not­ing the claim that T&T au­thor­i­ties said no per­mis­sion had been grant­ed for the event.

Through Blaustein, the or­gan­is­ers replied say­ing, “No Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cial is go­ing to tell the me­dia, yes, we open Sex Is­land with open arms.

“We are not wor­ried about hav­ing the event in Trinidad be­cause we have the event last year and a pri­vate event every oth­er month in Trinidad with­out is­sues.”

Blaustein con­firmed that last year the same event was ad­ver­tised for Carta­ge­na, Colom­bia, but au­thor­i­ties there blocked the event say­ing “it is un­ac­cept­able that they want to sell us as a sex­u­al des­ti­na­tion.”

Blaustein said as a re­sult of this, the Sex Is­land or­gan­is­ers found a high-end re­sort on a pri­vate is­land off the coast of Trinidad and To­ba­go where they host­ed last year’s event. The first T&T event was ap­par­ent­ly such a huge suc­cess that the or­gan­is­ers start­ed host­ing pri­vate par­ties for small groups through­out the year. In to­tal, they said they’ve host­ed be­tween ten to 15 par­ties at the re­sort on the pri­vate is­land in Trinidad and To­ba­go. They re­fused to dis­close the lo­ca­tions for any of their events.

On their web­site, the Sex Is­land or­gan­is­ers are promis­ing a re­sort with golf­ing and ten­nis courts which do not match any of the fa­cil­i­ties on the small­er is­lands off Trinidad’s west­ern penin­su­la.