More than 100 Trinidad citizens left to join ISIS

Trindadian Isis fighters taken from the militant group’s Dabiq magazibe.

(Trinidad Guardian) It is es­ti­mat­ed that more 100 T&T cit­i­zens have left this coun­try to join Is­lam­ic State, in­clud­ing about 70 men who were joined by dozens of chil­dren and women.

In 2017, South­ern Com­mand’s Ad­mi­ral Kurt Tidd said: “Some of the in­di­vid­u­als who left Trinidad-To­ba­go” have shown up “on film en­gaged in ter­ror­ist acts” and have com­mit­ted mur­ders in Syr­ia. Even the New York Times couldn’t ig­nore the de­vel­op­ing threat from T&T’s ji­hadists, post­ing a sto­ry in 2017 cit­ing Amer­i­can of­fi­cials who fear “that Trinida­di­an fight­ers could re­turn from the Mid­dle East and at­tack Amer­i­can diplo­mat­ic and oil in­stal­la­tions in Trinidad, or even take a three-and-a-half hour flight to Mi­a­mi.”

The US Trea­sury De­part­ment has list­ed two cit­i­zens of T&T on its ter­ror­ism sanc­tions list, mak­ing it il­le­gal for any­one or any en­ti­ty to en­gage in trans­ac­tions with them. The are Em­raan Ali, 51, who was dual T&T-US cit­i­zen­ship and Ed­die Ale­ong, 38, who they are ac­cuse of work­ing to­geth­er to raise and send cash to Trinida­di­an ISIS fight­ers in the con­flict zone.

In 2015, Ali lived for a time at an ISIS guest house in Raqqah, Syr­ia. Ale­ong is sus­pect­ed of fa­cil­i­tat­ing mon­ey trans­fers to ISIS as re­cent­ly as March of this.

Ali is mar­ried the daugh­ter of Imam Naz­im Mo­hammed, head of the of the Masjid Umar Ibn Khat­tab Ja­maat, Rio Claro,

In an in­ter­view with the T&T Guardian some time ago, Imam Mo­hammed said: “I don’t get no in­for­ma­tion on them; I don’t know where they are.”

In March 2017, Trinida­di­an Shane Craw­ford was added to a list of ‘Spe­cial­ly Des­ig­nat­ed Glob­al Ter­ror­ists’ (SDGT), by the US State De­part­ment at the end of March. A day lat­er, this coun­try al­so des­ig­nat­ed him a ter­ror­ist.

His moth­er, Joan Craw­ford, said he was hit by a US drone strike in Oc­to­ber 2016 and even­tu­al­ly died.

Craw­ford left for Syr­ia in 2013 and was be­lieved to be among the first of the more than 100 na­tion­als that joined the self-pro­claimed Mid­dle East­ern caliphate.