NIS should calculate correct rate of pension

Dear Editor,

I have been an NIS pensioner for three years now after rendering 39 years of arduous service to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).

My monthly pension is calculated on 1335 contributions made jointly by myself and GuySuCo. However, the Scheme found another 130 contributions which ought to be added to the 1335 contributions. With those contributions my rate of pension would increase by about 3 per cent.

In addition, I have provided copies of payslips giving evidence that another 85 contributions are to be added to my aggregate contributions.

Hopefully, this letter will persuade the National Insurance Scheme to ensure that I receive my correct rate of pension.

Yours faithfully,

Choonmattie Seebrat

NIS A-5281076

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to NIS for any comment they might wish to make.