Crude behaviour by cop at Mon Repos market

Dear Editor,

ENetworks has been collecting additional monies for the past three months  to replace the current TV boxes with “orange boxes” with the written undertaking that their customers would access additional channels with better resolution and that this would have been in place by 1st May 2018. At the time of this letter, customers have not received the “orange boxes” and ENetworks did not have the courtesy to inform its customers of the reason for their unmaterialised promise. If this is good customer service from ENetworks, I shudder to think what poor customer service would be. I hope other dissatisfied customers would come to the fore.

On Saturday last I was at the Mon Repos Market on the East Coast. I noticed a female Traffic Rank harassing drivers who stopped partly on the pavement  to drop off shoppers. The rain was falling fairly heavily and the edge of the roadway had accumulated water. I had on my cloak so I decided to look at how this rank was doing her job. Typical of most in the Police Force, she was very crude. She could do with several hours in the classroom about how to conduct herself. But I guess insulting the uniform she wore is everyday business.

Allowing that she did not want drivers to stop on the pavement, several cars were actually parked on the southern pavement on the road. At first blush I thought some drivers were lucky. But I later observed that when drivers from these parked cars were removing their vehicles after shopping, they were passing something to the Police rank. Several drivers did this.

I was forced to the question: Is she being paid by these drivers to park on the pavement? I couldn’t come to any other conclusion. My wife came out of the market and we went to our vehicle which was parked some 100 yards east of the market.

Must have made a few thousands on Saturday, didn’t she?

Yours faithfully,

Charles Selman