Trinidad: Father and son killed in car crash

In­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve speed was a fac­tor in the fa­tal crash that claimed the lives of Prem­c­hand Singh and his son Ryan on Wednes­day night. They said based on the dam­age done to Singh’s Mit­subishi Lancer, it is the most like­ly rea­son why the car veered off the road and slammed in­to a light pole. Re­ports are that Singh, 60, his 24-year-old son and their friend, Navin­dra Lalchan, all of Debe, were on their way to Singh’s Su­chit Trace home at around 9.30 pm. The ve­hi­cle was be­ing dri­ven by Ryan along the Solomon Ho­choy High­way when it spun out of con­trol, crashed and end­ed up wrapped around the pole. Passers-by who stopped to as­sist found Singh hang­ing out of the car by his foot. Ryan, the fa­ther of a six-year-old girl, was found slumped over the cen­tre con­sole, while Lalchan, who was seat­ed in the back, sur­vived but is ward­ed at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal with se­vere trau­ma in­juries and in­ter­nal bleed­ing. At their home yes­ter­day, Singh’s daugh­ter was too dis­traught to speak about the deaths. His broth­er, Har­ry, said he was not sure how much ex­pe­ri­ence Ryan had in dri­ving and did not want to spec­u­late on the cause of the ac­ci­dent. A rel­a­tive said the men had gone to vis­it a friend in Palmyra Vil­lage, Princes Town and were on their way back home when the ac­ci­dent oc­curred. Ryan’s wife saw the ac­ci­dent on Face­book and con­tact­ed her moth­er-in-law, Reena. When they ar­rived at the scene, their hus­bands were al­ready dead. Fa­ther and son were labour­ers who of­ten worked to­geth­er and were close. South­ern Di­vi­sion’s Cpl Ram­nar­ine is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

(Trinidad Guardian) In­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve speed was a fac­tor in the fa­tal crash that claimed the lives of Prem­c­hand Singh and his son Ryan on Wednes­day night.

They said based on the dam­age done to Singh’s Mit­subishi Lancer, it is the most like­ly rea­son why the car veered off the road and slammed in­to a light pole.

Re­ports are that Singh, 60, his 24-year-old son and their friend, Navin­dra Lalchan, all of Debe, were on their way to Singh’s Su­chit Trace home at around 9.30 pm. The ve­hi­cle was be­ing dri­ven by Ryan along the Solomon Ho­choy High­way when it spun out of con­trol, crashed and end­ed up wrapped around the pole.

Passers-by who stopped to as­sist found Singh hang­ing out of the car by his foot. Ryan, the fa­ther of a six-year-old girl, was found slumped over the cen­tre con­sole, while Lalchan, who was seat­ed in the back, sur­vived but is ward­ed at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal with se­vere trau­ma in­juries and in­ter­nal bleed­ing.

At their home yes­ter­day, Singh’s daugh­ter was too dis­traught to speak about the deaths. His broth­er, Har­ry, said he was not sure how much ex­pe­ri­ence Ryan had in dri­ving and did not want to spec­u­late on the cause of the ac­ci­dent.

The mangled wreck of the car Prem Singh, 60, and his 24-year-old son, Ryan both from Suchit Trace, Penal died in following an accident along the Solomon Hochoy Highway in Debe. Photo by Lincoln Holder/Newsday
The car in which the father and son were killed. Photo: NIKITA BRAXTON-BENJAMIN

A rel­a­tive said the men had gone to vis­it a friend in Palmyra Vil­lage, Princes Town and were on their way back home when the ac­ci­dent oc­curred.

Ryan’s wife saw the ac­ci­dent on Face­book and con­tact­ed her moth­er-in-law, Reena. When they ar­rived at the scene, their hus­bands were al­ready dead.

Fa­ther and son were labour­ers who of­ten worked to­geth­er and were close.

South­ern Di­vi­sion’s Cpl Ram­nar­ine is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.