Trinidad: Young driver trying to impress girl jailed

The San Fernando Magistrates’ Court (File photo)

(Trinidad Guardian) A young man who was pre­vi­ous­ly dis­qual­i­fied from hold­ing a dri­ver’s per­mit but took a chance to dri­ve a car to im­press a girl has been jailed for three months.

Che’o Sandy, 20, was sen­tenced by San Fer­nan­do Traf­fic Court Mag­is­trate Anselm Le­an­der af­ter he plead­ed guilty to four of­fences, in­clud­ing dri­ving with no dri­ver’s per­mit, dri­ving with­out a valid cer­tifi­cate of in­sur­ance and fail­ing to pro­duce both doc­u­ments.

The self-em­ployed ven­dor of Pleas­antville was nev­er be­fore is­sued with a dri­ver’s per­mit.

In March 2017, at age 18, he was dis­qual­i­fied from hold­ing a dri­ver’s per­mit for three years af­ter he con­vict­ed for the same of­fences. Sandy was ar­rest­ed on Tues­day.

Pros­e­cu­tor Sgt Harold Ish­mael said around 9.15 pm, Cpl Bri­an Julien was on pa­trol in Plai­sance Park, Pointe-a-Pierre, with oth­er of­fi­cers when he re­ceived in­for­ma­tion and stopped a white car which turned in­to the hous­ing de­vel­op­ment. The of­fi­cer asked Sandy for his dri­ving doc­u­ments but he did not have any. Julien then ar­rest­ed and charged him. Sandy told the mag­is­trate he was try­ing to im­press a girl he liked. The mag­is­trate jailed him for three months on each of­fence but or­dered that the sen­tences run con­cur­rent­ly.