Trinidad: Two remaining prison escapees recaptured after 11 days on the run

Escapees Olatunge Denbow and Michael Findley surrounded by officers from the Special Operations Response Team (SORT) moments after they were caught in a house at Lp 52 Ralph Narine Trace, South Oropouche.

(Trinidad Guardian) The two last es­capees—Olatun­gi Den­bow and Michael Find­lay—who had been on the run for 11 days af­ter break­ing out of the Gold­en Grove Re­mand Yard Prison in Arou­ca have been re­cap­tured.

Se­nior po­lice sources told Guardian Me­dia the men were caught in a house at Lp 52 Ralph Nar­ine Trace, South Oropouche.

Of­fi­cers from the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT) and mem­bers of the T&T De­fence Force (TTDF) sur­round­ed a flat house in the area and lat­er cap­tured both men hid­ing in­side.

“We did not re­cov­er any firearms when we searched the house. There were a few oth­er things we re­trieved but can­not say more about that right now,” a se­nior source who was part of the SORT op­er­a­tion re­vealed.

Den­bow and Find­lay were dis­cov­ered miss­ing from the Gold­en Grove Re­mand Yard Prison in Arou­ca on May 15.

They had not on­ly made cameo ap­pear­ances on so­cial me­dia but they had al­so been able to stay one step ahead of law en­force­ment au­thor­i­ties ac­cord­ing to well-placed sources.

On Fri­day po­lice and army locked down parts of Laven­tille and searched sev­er­al homes try­ing to lo­cate the fugi­tives af­ter the men had been spot­ted in that area. Sources said one of Den­bow’s rel­a­tives lives in that area and has a shop.

How­ev­er, the Sun­day Guardian was told that the men had been able to evade cap­ture since they had ob­tained a wire­less set which po­lice, oth­er arms of the law en­force­ment as well as se­cu­ri­ty firms use to com­mu­ni­cate.

Po­lice of­ten use the wire­less set that is con­tact­ed to the Com­mand Cen­tre and all po­lice sta­tions to re­port in­stances of crime, sight­ings of sus­pi­cious per­sons and any oth­er il­le­gal ac­tiv­i­ty to which they would then re­spond.

“Based on some in­for­ma­tion we got from with­in the prison a re­li­able source in­formed us that the men got a wire­less set about two days af­ter they es­caped so they could mon­i­tor the po­lice fre­quen­cy,” ex­plained the se­nior pris­ons source.

The in­for­ma­tion, Sun­day Guardian was told, came from some­one who was very close to the fugi­tives.

They be­lieve the wire­less was hand­ed over to the men by an ex-in­mate who was at­tached to a well-known se­cu­ri­ty firm.

The se­cu­ri­ty guard who is at­tached to a pub­lic health in­sti­tu­tion had not turned up for work for sev­er­al days.

The prison source al­so in­di­cat­ed that the po­lice were keep­ing track of a phone be­long­ing to a man in prison. The man was speak­ing with the fugi­tives reg­u­lar­ly.

The fugi­tives had been care­ful about the time frame in which they spoke on the phone, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for au­thor­i­ties to ze­ro in on their ex­act lo­ca­tion.

The es­capees

Den­bow and Find­lay along with six oth­er men es­caped from the Gold­en Grove Re­mand Yard Prison in Arou­ca on May 15. The six oth­er es­capees were held with­in 24 hours of their es­cape.

Den­bow and Find­lay were among five ar­rest­ed and charged for the Feb­ru­ary 2016 dou­ble mur­ders of con­struc­tion work­ers An­dre La Touche and Abi­o­la Noel.

Den­bow, in an al­leged state­ment re­leased on so­cial me­dia af­ter the prison break said he had been locked up three years due to an al­leged col­lab­o­ra­tion by cor­rupt po­lice and a pro­fes­sion­al paid state wit­ness.

A $50,000 re­ward was be­ing of­fered by Crime Stop­pers for in­for­ma­tion that would lead to the re­cap­ture of the two es­capees who po­lice de­scribed as armed and very dan­ger­ous.

In a video post­ed to so­cial me­dia on May 19, Find­ley and Den­bow ap­pealed to the Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er and the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions to in­ves­ti­gate claims that they were framed for the mur­ders.

The prison es­capees claimed they were un­armed and will­ing to turn them­selves in once their claims were ad­dressed by the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties.

Young: Ku­dos to law en­force­ment for re­cap­tur­ing fugi­tives

In a me­dia re­lease, Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young ap­plaud­ed the coun­try’s law en­force­ment and se­cu­ri­ty forces in re­cap­tur­ing Olatun­gi Den­bow and Michael Find­lay.

Young said “I would like to thank and com­mend the men and women of the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS), T&T De­fence Force (TTDF), T&T Prison Ser­vice and our In­tel­li­gence ser­vices for their com­mit­ment and team work in re­cap­tur­ing the last two es­caped pris­on­ers. The con­tin­ued mul­ti-agency ef­forts are bear­ing fruit in the dif­fi­cult and dan­ger­ous fight against crime.”