Trinidad granny charged with failing to report sexual abuse of child

(Trinidad Guardian)  A Clax­ton Bay grand­moth­er who al­leged­ly failed to report a sex­u­al of­fence against a child was on Fri­day grant­ed $45,000 bail.

Zeena Mar­tinez, 64, was al­so warned by San Fer­nan­do Mag­is­trate In­dar Ja­groo to stay away from the sev­en-year-old girl and have no con­tact with her.

It is al­leged that last year, the girl told Mar­tinez that a man had sex­u­al­ly touched her and the grandmother failed to re­port it to the po­lice.

WPC Ra­jku­mar of the Child Pro­tec­tion Unit charged the grand­moth­er un­der the Sex­u­al Of­fences Act.

When the mat­ter was called, pros­e­cu­tor Sgt Kr­ish­na Be­dassie asked the mag­is­trate to clear the courtroom be­cause of the na­ture of the of­fence. Mar­tinez’ at­tor­ney Lea Ja­cob asked for rea­son­able bail as she not­ed her client’s age and that she had no pre­vi­ous con­vic­tions or pend­ing mat­ters. The mat­ter was ad­journed to Ju­ly 5.