Nike and inclusiveness

Nike Manequin

Two weeks ago, I showed up for gym and my card wouldn’t swipe me in. After we moved into our new home, I didn’t change the address, so I suppose they were unable to send me my yearly gym renewal. The time passed so quickly, I hadn’t realized that I had been working out for just about a year.

Many people were alarmed when I told them I was starting gym as we tend to not associate working out and exercising with slim people. Slim is the overall nod to society’s perception of healthy. Constant active movement is more of a necessity for me, so as to keep my mood regulated, and, by extension, to train my body as I prepare to gradually wean myself off anti-depressants under the supervision of my doctor as long as I continue to be healthy.

For me, going to the gym and working out is easy. I work from home most days. I live in the centre of the city and the gym is a 5-minute walk from my apartment building. It is open 24 hours and provides free water.