17 seniors trained in puppetry design and performance

Ivah Henry, one of the 17 seniors who successfully completed the puppetry workshop, being presented with her certificate by Keith Marshall. (Terrence Thompson photo)

Seventeen seniors were on Friday awarded with certificates after they completed a five-day workshop on Puppetry Design and Performance, aimed at building capacity in live show production.

Merundoi Incorporated, under the auspices of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), collaborated with the unit of the Allied Arts, Ministries of Education, Social Cohesion and Social Protection, the National School of Theatre Arts and the 60+ Blazers Club to host the workshop.

The workshop, which is the first of four scheduled, commenced on June 10th and concluded on Friday. It, along with the presentation ceremony, was held at the Catholic Life Centre, located on Brickdam.