Trinidad woman gunned down in front of son

Candy Ann McIntyre

(Trinidad Guardian) A 12-year-old boy screamed in agony as he hugged and ca­ressed his moth­er’s body af­ter gun­men shot her dead in San­ta Cruz on Tuesday.

Can­dy Ann Mc In­tyre, 36, whose tes­ti­mo­ny led to the con­vic­tion of three men for mur­der, had mo­ments be­fore at­tend­ed her son’s grad­u­a­tion at a near­by event’s cen­tre and was wait­ing for her hus­band to pick her up.

Wendell Mc Intyre, third from right, the husband of murder victim Candy Ann McIntyre, at the murder scene of his wife at Santa Barbara Boulevard, Santa Cruz, yesterday.

Po­lice said around 2.45 pm, Mc In­tyre, of Quar­ry Road, San Juan was stand­ing at the side of San­ta Bar­bara Boule­vard with her son when a white wag­on which had been parked wait­ing drove clos­er.

Oc­cu­pants of the car, armed with high-pow­ered ri­fles, opened fire killing the moth­er of four in­stant­ly.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said the woman was shot mul­ti­ple times to the head and up­per body and fell face first. Her son was not in­jured in the at­tack.

A heart-wrench­ing video record­ed mo­ments af­ter the in­ci­dent showed the boy ca­ress­ing his moth­er’s body as he cried un­con­trol­lably. His pierc­ing screams echoed through­out the area.

An eye­wit­ness told Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day that they no­ticed the wag­on parked on a cor­ner for some time be­fore the mur­der.

“It hap­pened quick…we hear re­al shots. We re­al­ly no­tice the car parked up but didn’t think any­thing of it. Strange yes, but noth­ing much. It re­al shock­ing and sad. Look how the boy bawl­ing for his moth­er,” the eye­wit­ness said.

Mc In­tyre’s hus­band, Wen­dell said his son called him and told him that “some­body now kill mam­my.”

“I was in town and had the chance to reach here be­fore the am­bu­lance. I don’t even have a siren on my car and reach be­fore most of these po­lice and the am­bu­lance. Man, they telling me they can’t move her. But they want to feel for a pulse. Well pick her up and car­ry she in hos­pi­tal, nah boy,” an emo­tion­al Wen­dell said as he re­lat­ed the first few min­utes af­ter he ar­rived on the scene.

He said he had spo­ken to his wife min­utes be­fore she was killed.

“She called me, you know. She say they done and thing. So every­thing was nor­mal. Then my son called back to say, ‘Dad­dy, dad­dy they shoot mam­my.’

The fa­ther said he was thank­ful his son was un­hurt.

He said he was told that “big ma­chine guns” were used in the at­tack. Re­gard­ing the mur­der case she was a wit­ness in, her hus­band would on­ly say it was “an old case” about 15 years ago. Guardian Me­dia was told that Mc In­tyre’s ev­i­dence lead to the con­vic­tion of three men but the Privy Coun­cil sub­se­quent­ly or­dered that two of them face a re­tri­al. In­ves­ti­gat­ing po­lice of­fi­cers did not dis­close any fur­ther de­tails of the mur­der case.

Coun­sel­lors at­tached to the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice’s Vic­tim Sup­port Unit were called in to pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al sup­port and coun­selling for the vic­tim’s son.

This is the third gun at­tack in­volv­ing chil­dren in the past week.

On Mon­day, a ten-year-old girl was shot and wound­ed while seat­ed in a rel­a­tive’s car on the busy Port-of-Spain streets as a gun­man made an al­leged at­tempt on her fa­ther’s life while parked along Dun­can Street. She re­mained in sta­ble con­di­tion at the hos­pi­tal last night.

That shoot­ing oc­curred just six days af­ter three pupils were shot at dur­ing a dri­ve-by shoot­ing on Bel­mont Cir­cu­lar Road.

Last week Wednes­day two of the in­ju­red school girls, aged six and 15, were al­so said to be the chil­dren of a known gang leader, es­caped se­ri­ous in­jury but the dri­ver of the ve­hi­cle they were in was shot as well as an 18-year-old girl.

That shoot­ing took place out­side the Prov­i­dence Girls’ Catholic School at about 2.40 pm, less than 200 me­tres from the Bel­mont Po­lice Sta­tion.

The tar­get in that in­ci­dent was iden­ti­fied as a 38-year-old man of Mara­cas.

He was shot as he drove a white Hilux ve­hi­cle but man­aged to run from the ve­hi­cle and es­cape.

The gun­men opened fire on the ve­hi­cle on a busy street as the school day end­ed.

Their bul­lets struck oth­er parked ve­hi­cles along the road­way as sev­er­al school chil­dren and oth­er pedes­tri­ans scam­pered for cov­er.

On May 5, a 22-year-old State wit­ness in a Mor­vant dou­ble mur­der was shot and killed as she at­tend­ed a friend’s birth­day par­ty in Barataria. In that in­ci­dent, po­lice said Veron­i­ca Fran­co was killed at Twelfth Street, Barataria at around 8 pm.

Three days af­ter that mur­der, on May 8—13 peo­ple from a well-known gang in the North­ern Di­vi­sion, who were found lurk­ing around the Tu­na­puna Mag­is­trates’ Court were ar­rest­ed in con­nec­tion with a plot to mur­der a State wit­ness as he was about to leave the court.

The State wit­ness, 38, gave ev­i­dence in an at­tempt­ed mur­der which oc­curred in 2015 in St Joseph where the vic­tim was shot af­ter a fu­ner­al. The sus­pects were sub­se­quent­ly re­leased.

The mur­der toll now stands at 243 for the year so far.

An au­top­sy is ex­pect­ed to be done on Mc In­tyre’s body at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre on Fri­day.