Bartica residents get help during gov’t outreach

The “Government Comes to You” outreach programme was held in Bartica on Tuesday and a number of persons expressed their satisfaction with the way their issues were handled and the outcomes, the Department of Public Information (DPI) reported.

DPI said that 82-year old Winston Williams suffered a stroke along his left arm and body six months ago. Since he has been unable to find any kind of employment to sustain him, he braved the early heavy rains and visited the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) booth at the outreach to see what could be done to help him.

Williams recounted what the past few months had been like since his stroke “I can’t work and can’t help myself.  This hand (gesturing at left arm) barely can move. About 3-4 months now I am trying to get NIS, because I was in the hospital and when I came out, I applied.”