Trinidad can learn from Dominica’s hurricane recovery

The wreckage of a ship abandoned after Hurricane Maria in Dominica.

(Trinidad Guardian) The hur­ri­cane fore­cast for 2019 is just as bad as the fore­cast of 2018 and with nine to 15 named storms ex­pect­ed to form in the At­lantic this year, of­fi­cials from the Com­mon­wealth of Do­mini­ca wants the rest of the Caribbean to pre­pare.

Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed the is­land last week and mar­velled at how Do­mini­ca has man­aged to bounce back from ex­ten­sive dev­as­ta­tion of Hur­ri­cane Maria which rav­aged the is­land in Sep­tem­ber 2017, killing 65 peo­ple.

Many of the bod­ies were nev­er found and some of the homes bat­tered by the force of the hur­ri­cane re­main roof­less. Some of the moun­tains still har­bour rem­nants of de­bris but Min­is­ter for the En­vi­ron­ment, Cli­mate Re­silience, Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment and Ur­ban Re­new­al Joseph Isaac be­lieves this year the is­land is bet­ter pre­pared the hur­ri­cane sea­son.

Back in 2017 the res­i­dents like Dec­i­ma Sharplis, own­er of Sea­world Guest House, were not pre­pared for a Cat­e­go­ry Five Hur­ri­cane.

Decima Sharplis-Valentine stands inside her business place Seaworld Guest House
which was affected by Hurricane Maria.

Sharplis said she could re­mem­ber run­ning around her home se­cur­ing items be­tween 11 pm to 3 am while the hur­ri­cane ham­mered the is­land.

“Maria was the most hor­ri­ble ex­pe­ri­ence I ever had. I will nev­er for­get when I went down­stairs to se­cure some stuff and I saw these big waves com­ing at me. I had to run,” Sharplis said.

She added that her hus­band was in Portsmouth and a door slammed on his feet. He had to be flown to Guade­loupe for med­ical treat­ment.

Richardson Carette hugs his, 82-year-old mother Justin Earoe who lost their home to Hurricane Maria.

Sharplis said many peo­ple re­fused to be re­lo­cat­ed be­fore Maria and af­ter the hur­ri­cane passed, their bod­ies were nev­er found. With an ac­tive hur­ri­cane sea­son in the fore­cast, Sharplis said she was bet­ter pre­pared this year.

An­oth­er Do­mini­can, Jus­tine Earoe, 82, who sur­vived Maria said she was still trau­ma­tised two years af­ter the hur­ri­cane.

Earoe lost her home when Hur­ri­cane Maria dev­as­tat­ed the is­land. She re­called how she prayed to save her son’s life when they tried to es­cape the tum­bling mounds of falling de­bris and riv­er wa­ter which en­gulfed their home.

“A huge man­go tree came tum­bling down from the moun­tain and all kinds of crops and boul­ders were com­ing at us. I told my son leave me here and go save your life but he said he is not leav­ing me,” she re­called.

While flee­ing, Earoe said she placed her head on her son’s shoul­der and told him to come clos­er so they could die to­geth­er but he lift­ed her on his back and brave­ly made his way out of the house while the force of the near­by riv­er con­sumed every­thing they owned. She said her prop­er­ty was gone but Prime Min­is­ter Roo­sevelt Sker­rit was build­ing a new home for her and was pay­ing her rent un­til she could re­lo­cate.

Lil­lian Theophil, of Granbay South, said Hur­ri­cane Maria had pre­pared them for the worst.

“It was like a de­mon had come in­to our is­land and every­thing we had was gone,” she said.

Theophil said they got more op­por­tu­ni­ties af­ter Maria.

“More peo­ple knew about our is­land and they of­fered us more op­por­tu­ni­ties. Peo­ple start­ed to in­vest here and we got more jobs with the re­build­ing,” she added.

There are over 70,000 peo­ple liv­ing in Do­mini­ca and since Maria, tourist ar­rivals have gone back to pre-Maria lev­els.

Oth­er is­lands must pre­pare

Isaac in an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia oth­er Caribbean is­lands must use the ex­pe­ri­ence of Hur­ri­cane Maria to pre­pare for the 2019 hur­ri­cane sea­son.

He rec­om­mend­ed that hur­ri­cane cen­tres be es­tab­lished across all coun­tries.

Minister for the Environment, Climate Resilience, Disaster Management, and Urban Renewal Joseph Isaac.

“Cer­tain crit­i­cal pieces of equip­ment in hos­pi­tals should be up­grad­ed so they could be pow­ered by so­lar en­er­gy so that in the event of a pow­er cut, peo­ple will not die. The key thing is prepa­ra­tion at the grass­roots lev­el be­cause when a hur­ri­cane strikes it is those com­mu­ni­ties that are af­fect­ed, “ Isaac said.

He added that ba­sic re­sources must be pro­vid­ed to the peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ties. “The com­mu­ni­ty needs to mo­bilise be­fore a hur­ri­cane and you need cer­tain pieces of equip­ment in place through­out the is­lands so that if a hur­ri­cane strikes, you will be able to clear rivers, drains and move de­bris,” he said.

He al­so said that at the house­hold lev­el peo­ple must be­gin get­ting ready as well.

“Med­ical fa­cil­i­ties must al­so pre­pare us­ing so­lar en­er­gy so that dial­y­sis equip­ment can be pow­ered.”

He said af­ter Maria, the Do­mini­can Gov­ern­ment put in place a Na­tion­al Dis­as­ter Plan in place.

“So­ci­ety must be hyped about prepa­ra­tion for hur­ri­canes,” not­ing that the psy­cho-so­cial im­pact af­ter the hur­ri­cane was crit­i­cal.

Ex­press­ing thanks to the in­ter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty for as­sist­ing Do­mini­ca dur­ing its time of need, Isaac said his gov­ern­ment was will­ing to as­sist the T&T gov­ern­ment with hur­ri­cane readi­ness.

He ex­plained that be­fore Maria struck, there were over 75,000 vis­i­tors per year in Do­mini­ca but af­ter the hur­ri­cane, tourism de­clined. In 2019, vis­i­tor ar­rivals went back up to 70,000.

Isaac not­ed that Do­mini­ca was now on a quest to plant one mil­lion trees by 2021. He ex­plained that 5,000 hur­ri­cane re­silient homes are al­so be­ing built.