We all need to listen more

“People look at you and they believe that life is just perfect that you don’t have no worries. And if you attempt to talk then they point out all that is ‘good’ (she used her fingers to illustrate the quote marks) in your life and so you should not complain,” she said with a sad smile on her face.

I must confess that even I fell into that category at one time (you know, the category of saying persons have nothing to complain about) and if this was a time not so long ago I would have thought the same of this married mother who has a good job and seems very happy.

Come to think of it, someone looking at my life from the outside may also draw that same false conclusion. Of course, I know differently and therefore I am no longer making any assumptions about a person’s life. More importantly, we live in an imperfect world and regardless of where you fall on the social stratum you would face issues; it is not the same for everyone, but issues are there for all of us to face.