UK’s May backs ambassador branded “a pompous fool” by Trump

Kim Darroch

LONDON,  (Reuters) – Prime Minister Theresa May gave her “full support” to Britain’s Washington envoy today but Donald Trump attacked the “wacky Ambassador” whose leaked memo had described the U.S. president’s administration as “inept”.

May’s spokesman said she told a meeting of her top ministers that Kim Darroch was continuing to carry out his duties with her full support, after Trump said on Monday he would no longer deal with Britain’s envoy.

Trump fired off a further series of Tweets on Tuesday in which he described Darroch as a “wacky Ambassador”, “a very stupid guy” and “a pompous fool”.

“Sir Kim continues to have the prime minister’s full support … He continues to carry out his duties with the full support of the PM,” May’s spokesman said, adding that May reiterated to her ministers that the leak was unacceptable.

Kim Darroch

The spat between the two close allies followed the leak to a British newspaper on Sunday of memos from Darroch to London in which he said Trump’s administration was “dysfunctional” and “diplomatically clumsy and inept”.

May’s spokesman said the leaked documents were not reflective of many of the diplomatic notes Darroch sent and that May told her ministers Britain and the United States would continue to have a special and enduring relationship.