No charges laid against Trinidad sprinter says estranged wife

Michelle Lee Ahye and now estranged wife Chelsea Renee in happier times.

(Trinidad Guardian) Chelsea Re­nee, the now es­tranged wife of Trinidad &Tobago’s Olympic ath­lete Michelle-Lee Ahye, has ad­mit­ted that Ahye was ar­rest­ed by po­lice be­cause of a mar­i­tal dis­pute but added that she did not press charges.

Last week Re­nee placed a now delet­ed post on so­cial me­dia with what ap­peared to be a mugshot of Ahye, sug­gest­ing the cou­ple had split.

“I post­ed some­thing that I should not have. It was out of anger and I let my feel­ings get the best of me. Michelle and I did get in­to an al­ter­ca­tion and the po­lice were called. Michelle was tak­en to jail, and I just want to clar­i­fy I did not press charges on Michelle… at all,” she told Guardian Me­dia on Sun­day.

Re­nee al­so said they have now been sep­a­rat­ed.

“We have been try­ing to work on our mar­riage and things have been rocky. We are sep­a­rat­ed,” she said.

Re­ports emerged Thurs­day that the Ahye was ar­rest­ed on June 20 in Hous­ton, Texas, ac­cused of do­mes­tic abuse. She was re­leased on June 21.

The Williamson Coun­ty Sher­iff’s Of­fice in Texas post­ed that she was charged for as­sault.

Ahye and Re­nee were mar­ried in May 2018.

Ahye in a Face­book post last week said that she was “sad­dened and hurt” by what had hap­pened but wished Re­nee the best in her fu­ture en­deav­ours.

In 2018, Ahye won gold in the women’s 100-me­tre fi­nal at the Com­mon­wealth Games in Gold Coast, Aus­tralia, be­com­ing the first T&T ath­lete to do so. She al­so won the women’s 200 me­tre “B” race at the Spitzen Le­ich­tath­letik track meet in Switzer­land on Tues­day.