Trinidad: Senior cop, wife get bail for assault charges

Act­ing Se­nior Su­per­in­ten­dent of the Fraud Squad Unit Lin­don Greenidge and his wife, Ver­nice Ed­wards Greenidge

(Trinidad Guardian) An Ari­ma mag­is­trate fixed bail in the to­tal of $200,000 for a se­nior po­lice of­fi­cer and his wife who ap­peared in court on Wednes­day on as­sault and ma­li­cious charges.

Act­ing Se­nior Su­per­in­ten­dent of the Fraud Squad Unit Lin­don Greenidge and his wife, Ver­nice Ed­wards Greenidge ap­peared be­fore Deb­bie Ann Bas­saw.

The charges stemmed from an in­ci­dent that oc­curred on March 24, 2018, Greenidge, 56, who has 37 years of ser­vice in TTPS, al­leged­ly as­sault­ed a 49-year-old woman and ma­li­cious­ly dam­aged her pair of eye­glass­es and cell phone.

A re­port was made to the Pro­fes­sion­al Stan­dards Bu­reau (PSB) and an in­ves­ti­ga­tion was con­duct­ed. On Ju­ly 15, 2019, Greenidge and his wife, Ver­nice Ed­wards Greenidge, 49, were ar­rest­ed at their home. The of­fi­cer was charged for as­sault oc­ca­sion­ing ac­tu­al bod­i­ly harm to the vic­tim and ma­li­cious dam­ages to the vic­tim’s eye­glass­es val­ued TT$2400 and a cell­phone val­ued US$150.

His wife Ver­nice, was charged for the of­fence of as­sault oc­ca­sion­ing ac­tu­al bod­i­ly harm. All charges were laid by ASP An­tho­ny Rem­my. The mag­is­trate fixed bail at $120,000 to cov­er Greenidge’s two charges, while his wife’s bail was fixed at $80,000.

The mat­ter was ad­journed to Ju­ly 31.