Trinidad: Teen sons of prominent lawyer held with drugs

Police officers at the scene of the arrest of teenage brothers in Maraval, Trinidad on Saturday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Two teen broth­ers and a pen­sion­er were ar­rest­ed at their re­spec­tive homes in Mar­aval on Sat­ur­day morn­ing for drug pos­ses­sion.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, po­lice of­fi­cers from the St Clair Po­lice Sta­tion con­duct­ed an ex­er­cise be­tween 6 am and 10 am.

Dur­ing the ex­er­cise, of­fi­cers ex­e­cut­ed a search war­rant at the Fair­ways, Mar­aval home of two sus­pects—a 19-year-old and a 17-year-old. The boys are re­port­ed­ly the sons of a promi­nent at­tor­ney-at-law in this coun­try.

Po­lice said the 19-year-old was ar­rest­ed for pos­ses­sion of 20 grammes of mar­i­jua­na, while the 17-year-old was held for .18 grammes of mar­i­jua­na.

In a sep­a­rate in­ci­dent, of­fi­cers pro­ceed­ed to the Boissiere Vil­lage, Mar­aval home of a 71-year-old man, where they con­duct­ed a search and found 80 grammes of co­caine.

The man was ar­rest­ed in con­nec­tion with the find. The ex­er­cis­es were co­or­di­nat­ed by ACP Williams along with Snr Supt (Ag) Moore and su­per­vised by In­sp Lutch­man and W/Sgt Chase al­so in­clud­ed of­fi­cers of the Port of Spain Di­vi­sion Task Force. In­ves­ti­ga­tions are on­go­ing.