Trinidad: Fifth fisherman found dead

Himraj Sooknanan

(Trinidad Guardian) One day af­ter the rel­a­tives of Him­raj Sook­nanan said prayers and held out hope that he would re­turn home safe and sound, his body was found in the wa­ters off La Brea.

The 19-year-old was among sev­en fish­er­men who were beat­en, stabbed and thrown off their fish­ing ves­sels in the Gulf-of-Paria last Mon­day soon af­ter em­bark­ing on a fish­ing ex­pe­di­tion.

They were robbed of their boats and boat en­gines.

On­ly on Sun­day Sook­nanan’s moth­er Jas­so­dra Lal­la sat at her Or­ange Val­ley home hop­ing and pray­ing that her son would re­turn home alive.

This dis­cov­ery yes­ter­day morn­ing brings to five the num­ber of fish­er­men who were found dead.

Up to late yes­ter­day, two oth­ers re­mained miss­ing.