Trinidad man gunned down while on condensed milk errand

Carl Swamber

(Trinidad Guardian) Just two months af­ter he got bap­tised and mar­ried the moth­er of his child, Carl Swamber was gunned down in cold blood out­side his home.

He had gone to col­lect a tin of con­densed milk from a friend and was about to walk back in­side to pre­pare a meal when the killer pounced, fir­ing three shots, one of which struck Swamber on his side.

The 62-year-old CEPEP work­er fell to the ground while his men­tal­ly chal­lenged wife Tek­i­lar wailed. Their 10-year-old son Levi has been in a state of shock since the mur­der.

Dur­ing an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, niece Si­mone Ot­t­ley said Tek­i­lar has not been speak­ing since the mur­der. She said the en­tire fam­i­ly was very close-knit and were puz­zled as to why Swamber was killed.

“They did not take any­thing from him. He was not robbed. They just killed him and left. The neigh­bours said they heard three loud ex­plo­sions,” Ot­t­ley re­called.

She said Swamber and Tek­i­lar had been to­geth­er for over a decade and over the past three years their re­la­tion­ship im­proved.

Swamber loved his wife and nev­er al­lowed her to cook or clean.

He would take her to the clin­ic and en­sure that she took her med­ica­tion. Their son at­tend­ed school and Swamber made sure that the boy had all he need­ed. Ot­t­ley said Swamber loved to talk and if he has any is­sue with any­one he would have told his fam­i­ly.

She said Swamber was a jol­ly per­son who got mar­ried at the Mount Elvin Lon­don Bap­tist Church at Hin­dus­tan Road in 2016, just be­fore he reached the age of 60.

An au­top­sy is sched­uled to be done on Swamber’s body to­day. Po­lice said they are yet to es­tab­lish a mo­tive for the shoot­ing. Any­one with in­for­ma­tion on the mur­der can con­tact Crime Stop­pers at 800 TIPS or call 482-GARY.