Again predicting a B.A.M.N PNC victory

-Our vital institutions – A layman’s lament

I was thinking of alerting my Editor that every Friday I would just record repetitively, my personally-held refrain: That the PNC – masquerading as “APNU” – will triumph at the next elections whenever His Excellency so proclaims them. B.A.M.N – By any means necessary!

What do I mean by BAMN? “Any” way! Any method or tactic! “Means”? “Means” means all available resources – legal, constitutional, moral or not. “Means” could also mean a fair, free, popular electoral victory. Winning by rigging with or without GECOM’s collaboration; securing parliament by a majority or a plurality. “Necessary?” Necessary because the PNC – as do others – regards victory as vital to  continuing on-going national projects; retaining the international goodwill and assistance still being  proferred; retention of authority and power to empower Afro-Guyanese as never before  even as other groups are allowed to share in the national patrimony. Of course, management and control of imminent oil and gas resources and revenues must never fall into PPP hands.”

If Editor allows I’ll preach my “by any-means-necessary” sermon all or most Fridays.