Hard Knocks, NK ballers clash today in Futsal final

The NK Ballers unit- from row from left to right-Rawle Gittens, Jermaine Grandison, Keon Sears, Kacy John and Kenard Simon. Back row from left to right-Travis Bess, Jamal Haynes, Donovan Francis, Joel Isaacs and Darius Frank.

Tournament favorite Hard-Knocks will oppose NK Ballers today in the final of the New Era Entertainment/Mohamed’s Enterprise Futsal Tournament, following semifinal wins on Thursday at the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC) Tarmac, Linden.

 Perfect conditions were at hand for the matches which were initially rescheduled due to persistent rainfall on Wednesday.

 The pristine settings led to an historic achievement, as the large fandom which swarmed the venue witnessed a combined 37 goal encounter, as Hard-Knocks downed Dave and Celina All-Stars 23-14.