IMC to hold AGM for public service credit union soon

Trevor Benn

The Interim Management Committee (IMC) of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) Credit Union will soon be leading it into a long overdue Annual General Meeting (AGM) soon, according to IMC head Trevor Benn, who says much development has taken place since the interim body was installed.

During an interview with Sunday Stabroek, Benn also refuted allegations by the GPSU, including President Patrick Yarde, that the IMC has undertaken unauthorised spending.

“I would say that we have taken the Credit Union to a new level and that is what is affecting the old management team,” he said of the recent claims. “We inherited a system where there was a committee called the Modernisation Committee where members of the Management Committee were also members and collecting stipends as both, yet we have not seen what became modern under them,” he added.