Government long term spending priorities, the GSDS


Today’s column continues consideration of the three areas of Government spending that are supported in the Guyana Petroleum Road Map. In the past two columns, I have covered the first of these three areas, labelled as the “well underway priorities”. I had singled out one of these, the priority of the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) for special attention. Today’s column shifts that discussion and considers the “long-term priorities” for Government spending of future petroleum revenues.

I argue here that the long-term priorities are concretised in two of the country’s long- term development documents; namely, Guyana’s Green State Development Strategy 2040 (GSDS) and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustain-able Development Goals (UNSDGs).

In addressing this topic, I shall avoid going into details, except to stress these documents are widely acknowledged as guiding the Government of Guyana’s (GoG) long-term development strategy and priorities (including their vision, focus and strategic goals). The GoG actively promotes these documents as central to plans for the extended public spending of its expected petroleum revenues.